

Monday 14 February 2011

BFI Future Film Festival 2011

Posted By Sam Cook

We all had a fantastic time at the BFI Future Film Festival 2011! On the Saturday I was helping out First Light and BAFTA with their event which promoted the latest short films and animations which had been nominated for BAFTA awards this year.

It gave me an opportunity as well as other Digital Documenters, to meet the film makers behind the nominated shorts and take part in some extensive Q&A’s.

On the second day I travelled back up to ‘the Big Smoke’ with Jordan Cunliffe and friends, to attend the Future Film Fiction Screening.

First off were the three short films in the 15-18 category, which were all very different in content and style. There was some great comedy in “How to be a bad man” and “Boy meets Girl”, as well as some snazzy special effects in “Infinity Floor”.

We then had the screening of the 19-25 films which again were all very different. We didn’t walk home with the award in the end but we were invited to show Bonejangles at the No Limits Film Festival in Sheffield on April 2nd as well as receiving some great feedback.

We also found out that the Bonejangles managed to make it to the top 3 out of over 250 entries so we’re more than happy with the fantastic result!

Now to see if we can scrounge the train fare to Sheffield...

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